
CPSR check list of Cosmetic

【From China.Like this song [We will be heroes],this song is from The 2002 World Football Cup in Japan and South Korea,visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Official_Album_of_the_2002_FIFA_World_Cup,Mercahv YouTube Video background music is this song(for example 
this Video .

EU Cosmetic Product Safety Report(CPSR
EU Cosmetic Products Notification Portal(CPNP)

CPSR check list of Cosmetic.
Usually do  CPSR and then do CPNP register.

化妆品CPSR 列表

1. Ingredient list with CAS no. & composition %;Intended function of each ingredients.all formulations to add up to 100%,
产品 100%全成分配方,包括 CAS 号码,成分百分比;每种成分的预期作用。

2. An EU Standard/Compatible Safety Data Sheet and COA for each raw material usedmust be supplied
每种成分的 MSDS 及 COA

3. An EU Allergen declaration and MSDS、IFRA for each fragrance must be provided. 如果产品添加了香精,需提供每种香精的 26 种过敏原测试报告及 MSDS、IFRA 证书

4. A microbiological assessment report must be supplied where necessary*
微生物测试报告(Can be optional depend on the sample matrix)

5. A microbiological challenge test report must be supplied where necessary

6. A product stability test report must be supplied

7. A statement or packaging suitability report, material list of packaging must beprovided
包装材料兼容性测试报告,包装材料痕量物质分析报告(包材的食品级测试报告,重金属测试报告(94/62/EC)或者 SVHC 测试报告 3 选 1),包装材料清单

8. Heavy metal test report for the product (formulation), includes Pb,As,Hg,Sb,Cd,Ni.
产品(配方)重金属测试报告,6 个元素(铅、砷、汞、锑、镉、镍)

9. Product photo & Label artwork for finished product

10. The physicochemical characteristics of the finished product must be supplied

11. Impurities, traces test reports (1-4 dioxane, Formaldehyde , NDELA, Phthalate)

12. GMP certificate/ audit report (GMPC/ISO22716)

13. The claim of No nano-material

*Can be optional depend on the sample matrix. 跟据样品基质不同,该项属于可选项目


